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      Thumbs up Dan Kennedy - Copywriting Mastery & Sales-Thinking Bootcamp

      It's The Last-Ever Copywriting Mastery And Sales Thinking Bootcamp And You're Invited!
      It's Not Brain Surgery! Your Days Of Suffering From "Writers Block" Are Finally Over As Dan Reveals 638 Pages Worth Of PROVEN Ads You Can "Swipe And Deploy" For Your Own Business!
      Best Part: We'll Even 'Hold You By The Hand' And GUIDE You To Copywriting And Sales-Thinking Mastery Thanks To Our Stable Of GKIC Copywriters?But ONLY For A LIMITED Time!
      Here Are Just SOME Of The "Must-Have" Copywriting Concepts You Discover On CD#1:

      The 2 "grunt work" things you need to do when it comes to writing copy (if you get things wrong-you don't do things!) - this makes the difference between a successful and failure campaign (30:17)
      The 1 "Magic word" you need to do when it comes to writing copy. People often overlook this and end up ruining their pitch and get pitiful results. (37:58)
      The one thing that most newbie copywriters and marketers ROYALLY botch up that could hurt your sales. (Your prospect is NOT thinking this, so why mention it in your sales letter?) (45:31)
      Why most of what you think is important in copywriting and selling is WRONG?it's not about "hyping things up" and making HUGE claims as most people will tell you. (47:26)
      The one time that even the best copy written by me will FAIL to sell any products or services (this is no joke-this one thing can save you a LOT of money and time!) (56:21)
      The one thing your ad HAS to have if you hope to get people's attention-and entice them to read your ad (Nope, it's not having an awesome headline!) (1:01:13)
      The one thing you must do to get prospects to bond with you. And you have to do it again and again-otherwise your customers will NOT buy from you! (1:03:14)
      How to establish yourself as the "go-to" person in your market so you can obtain instant believability in your copy. This is KEY to melting any prospect's skepticism! (1:12:15)

      The 2 industries you HAVE to study if you want to "get hip" to what's working in copy and getting people to respond. This is true "detective work"?and could give you a HUGE advantage over your competition! (2:08)
      The one thing you need to absolve your target audience from in your copy. This is the difference between "subpar" copy and copy that REALLY rakes in the dough! (7:25)
      What's REALLY going on in your prospect's head when they read your sales message. (Nope, they're not willing and rarin' to sit down with extra attention to your sales pitch-no way!) (11:11)
      The 2 emotions that REALLY motivate people. Use this all the time in your copy and your response will SOAR?and forgetting this could leave you writing a "dud" every time you send out a promotion (12:13)
      The HARDEST sale you can ever make?yet many marketers ignore this-which leads to subpar copy and their sales letter getting chucked in the trash! (14:12)
      The secret to "swiping" and how you can stitch together a pitch from other people's sales letters and "smooth out the edges" in your next sales letter (don't worry, it's ethical if you know what you're doing!) (21:38)
      How you can get your prospect to get your entire pitch in less than 10 seconds (most people are going to do this?and here's how you prep your promotion to be prepared for this!) (25:37)
      If you're going to make a claim, you have to make sure you do this all the time. And if you don't, you might as well not say anything at all. (Failure to do so just leaves the prospect up to her own devices!) (26:37)
      We Delve Into Even MORE Copywriting And Sales Thinking Concepts ON CD #3 That'll Make You Into A Selling Superstar!
      The secret to forming an "instant relationship" with your prospects in
      your copy. People only buy from people they trust?and this secret "bonding" technique could skyrocket your profits! (9:08)
      How this simple "romancing the stone" technique can build value in your product or service that'll make prospects DYING to give you money! (11:59)
      The power of story, and how you should be implement this powerful selling tool in your copy to woo your customers. (Facts tell, and stories sell!) (28:51)
      The "True believer" story and the "Blackie" story you can use in your copy to build desire in your prospect. Most marketers don't implement this at all! (34:32)
      The 3-step mailing secrets that raked in a 5:1 return on investment for an insurance agent-one of the most mundane industries ever! (if it worked for them?it can work for you!) (46:03)
      The secrets to getting a swipe file to work for you. I reveal his foolproof system for setting up a swipe file so you can write copy quickly and easily. (1:09)
      The secret about "attack copy" and how you can use it to your advantage without ticking people off (This is a HUGE attention getter. (1:14)

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