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    1. #1
      :::::::: Moderator ::::::

      BlackHatX's Avatar
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      Aug 2013
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      Thumbs up [SUPER HOT SHARE] Ryan Levesque – Ask Method Masterclass (Completed) [September 27 Updated]

      Do You Know How to Find Out What People Really Want to Buy?

      Introducing: The Most Powerful Way to Discover Exactly What Your Customers Want, and How to Give it to Them.
      In a way that makes people fall in love with you and your company.whether you're a total beginner or currently running a successful business.

      NEW! 6 Core Modules
      (How to implement The Ask Method Step-by-Step)

      NEW! 2 Bonus Modules
      (Traffic Training + Your "Big Idea")

      10-Week Implementation Workshop
      (Entire process broken down into bite-sized daily tasks. We all implement together as group with support from our team of Ask Method Specialists and Ryan himself)

      5 Q&A Coaching Calls with Ryan
      Including Funnel Reviews & LIVE Critiques
      ($15,000 Value)

      12 Months Access to the Next Level
      Mastermind Community
      ($2,364 Value)

      12 Months Access to Ask Method Software
      ($2,364 Value)

      6 Done-For-You Page Templates
      In ClickFunnels, LeadPages, and HTML formats so you can just swipe and upload.
      ($2,100 Value)

      9 Fill-In-The-Blank Copywriting Templates
      ($3,200 Value)

      The Tech Vault
      How to do all the tech, with easy, step-by-step videos.
      ($1,700 Value)

      My $10,000 Swipe Vault - aka EXAMPLES!!!
      (10 years worth of split-tests, best performing funnels in market after market, sales pages, landing pages, upsell pages, email sequences, etc.)

      If only you had the indisputable knowledge of:

      Which markets are guaranteed winners.

      How to KNOW what your customers really want to buy, and when, where, and how to ASK the right questions to build an unshakeable online business from the ground up.

      You'd JOIN the ranks of thousands of successful businesses who are doing exactly the same thing!

      Everywhere you look, experts say you need to make sure that you are serving the needs of your customers.

      But no one really tells you how to figure out what those needs are.

      It's crazy how many people are teaching how to build a business online using this system or that tactic, but gloss over the most fundamental thing that is actually the key to being successful.

      Are you offering something people REALLY want to buy?

      Many people think that the answer is simply asking their customers what they want.

      But, as the quotation above so eloquently states, people don't really know what they want.

      And that's what makes it so hard when you first start your business or launch a new project.

      You go in all excited, dreaming about the possibilities and how amazing life is going to be when everything works out.

      And then when that initial excitement wears off, and reality sets in.

      Things start taking a little longer, costing a little more money.

      And you start to question yourself.

      Thinking about that big long scary list of everything you're behind on.

      And you start to feel overwhelmed:

      What if you spend all this time and money building this thing and it totally bombs?

      What if this doesn't work?

      As an entrepreneur, the single most important thing you need to protect is your confidence.

      And that confidence comes from knowing that what you're doing is gonna be successful.

      Which comes from knowing what you're building. creating. selling.

      Is something people actually want.

      Now, imagine for a moment that you know exactly what your customers want, and all you had to do is create that product and give it to them, knowing that it would be a home run.

      How easy would your business be?

      And here's the reality:

      There are businesses right now (many of them tiny online businesses run by just ONE person) that are hugely profitable..because they know exactly what their customers want to buy, without the 8-figure marketing budget, focus groups, OR having to give away an iPad to everyone that takes a survey.

      Because it doesn't matter how big your company is, or whether you have a huge advertising budget or not.

      Here's What You Get When You Join The Ask Method Masterclass Coaching Program:
      Lifetime Access to the Ask Method Masterclass Coaching Program
      6 NEW Core Modules
      2 NEW Bonus Modules
      10-Week Implementation Workshop
      5 Q&A Coaching Calls with Ryan
      12 Months Access to the Next Level Mastermind Community
      12 Months Access to Ask Method Software
      6 Done-For-You Page Templates
      9 Fill-In-The-Blank Copywriting Templates
      The Tech Vault - Step-by-Step "How to" Tech Videos
      My $10,000 Swipe Vault - EXAMPLES!!!

      The ASK Method Masterclass is Broken Down Into 6 Modules

      1. PREPARE

      Deep Dive Survey
      WHY it's so important to get the Deep Dive Survey right to know what your market is thinking and feeling.

      2. PERSUADE

      Nailing the 7 key elements in a successful landing page
      Keep these in mind when designing your landing page and you'll ensure that your prospect has no other choice than to take action.

      3. SEGMENT

      Discover the power of Micro-Commitments
      WHY you shouldn't ask for an email address at the beginning of a quiz, and how to skyrocket your opt-ins when you structure your quiz the right way.

      The "explosive" chemical reaction
      That happens when you use the results of your Deep Dive to design your quiz, so that your prospects feel like you're reading their minds

      Customizing your quiz
      So that each question builds on the responses of the ones before it (this "branch logic" trick is so powerful and yet so simple to do when you know how).

      4. PRESCRIBE

      The Essential Construct Framework
      To writing your VSLs.this is the foundation behind any successful sales letter, and yet so few people are actually teaching it.

      5. PROFIT

      3 Powerful upsell frameworks
      Are you missing out on these critical profit opportunities-how to take advantage of your customer's already-open wallet and have them thank you for selling them more!

      6. PIVOT

      The Magic of Email
      How to tailor your email sequences for prospects and buyers, construct winning sequences that can increase your sales by 57% or more.

      The Pivot Survey
      This is when you lead your prospect into your NEXT ASK Method that they can start the process all over again and be your customer for life.

      Bonus Module 1:
      Ultimate Traffic Training

      The first bonus module is all about driving traffic-I'll be showing you why a quiz is the BEST place to drive traffic, and how I've done this in market after market for cold traffic to the tune of over 50,000 leads per DAY.

      And I'll be showing you my exact steps to set up campaigns to send traffic to your Deep Dive Survey and then to your quiz funnel.

      You'll see real live case studies on how to drive traffic to a Deep Dive Survey (this is perfect if you don't have a list yet).

      And we'll be walking you through how to set up your campaigns step by step in Facebook and Google, and how to get the most out of your advertising budget.

      Bonus Module 2:
      Your Big Idea

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  • #441
    LifeTime VIP Member

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    Sep 2020
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    1 Day 18 Hours 53 Minutes 53 Seconds

    Default Re: [SUPER HOT SHARE] Ryan Levesque – Ask Method Masterclass (Completed) [September 27 Updated]

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackHatX View Post

    Do You Know How to Find Out What People Really Want to Buy?

    Introducing: The Most Powerful Way to Discover Exactly What Your Customers Want, and How to Give it to Them.
    In a way that makes people fall in love with you and your company.whether you're a total beginner or currently running a successful business.

    NEW! 6 Core Modules
    (How to implement The Ask Method Step-by-Step)

    NEW! 2 Bonus Modules
    (Traffic Training + Your "Big Idea")

    10-Week Implementation Workshop
    (Entire process broken down into bite-sized daily tasks. We all implement together as group with support from our team of Ask Method Specialists and Ryan himself)

    5 Q&A Coaching Calls with Ryan
    Including Funnel Reviews & LIVE Critiques
    ($15,000 Value)

    12 Months Access to the Next Level
    Mastermind Community
    ($2,364 Value)

    12 Months Access to Ask Method Software
    ($2,364 Value)

    6 Done-For-You Page Templates
    In ClickFunnels, LeadPages, and HTML formats so you can just swipe and upload.
    ($2,100 Value)

    9 Fill-In-The-Blank Copywriting Templates
    ($3,200 Value)

    The Tech Vault
    How to do all the tech, with easy, step-by-step videos.
    ($1,700 Value)

    My $10,000 Swipe Vault - aka EXAMPLES!!!
    (10 years worth of split-tests, best performing funnels in market after market, sales pages, landing pages, upsell pages, email sequences, etc.)

    If only you had the indisputable knowledge of:

    Which markets are guaranteed winners.

    How to KNOW what your customers really want to buy, and when, where, and how to ASK the right questions to build an unshakeable online business from the ground up.

    You'd JOIN the ranks of thousands of successful businesses who are doing exactly the same thing!

    Everywhere you look, experts say you need to make sure that you are serving the needs of your customers.

    But no one really tells you how to figure out what those needs are.

    It's crazy how many people are teaching how to build a business online using this system or that tactic, but gloss over the most fundamental thing that is actually the key to being successful.

    Are you offering something people REALLY want to buy?

    Many people think that the answer is simply asking their customers what they want.

    But, as the quotation above so eloquently states, people don't really know what they want.

    And that's what makes it so hard when you first start your business or launch a new project.

    You go in all excited, dreaming about the possibilities and how amazing life is going to be when everything works out.

    And then when that initial excitement wears off, and reality sets in.

    Things start taking a little longer, costing a little more money.

    And you start to question yourself.

    Thinking about that big long scary list of everything you're behind on.

    And you start to feel overwhelmed:

    What if you spend all this time and money building this thing and it totally bombs?

    What if this doesn't work?

    As an entrepreneur, the single most important thing you need to protect is your confidence.

    And that confidence comes from knowing that what you're doing is gonna be successful.

    Which comes from knowing what you're building. creating. selling.

    Is something people actually want.

    Now, imagine for a moment that you know exactly what your customers want, and all you had to do is create that product and give it to them, knowing that it would be a home run.

    How easy would your business be?

    And here's the reality:

    There are businesses right now (many of them tiny online businesses run by just ONE person) that are hugely profitable..because they know exactly what their customers want to buy, without the 8-figure marketing budget, focus groups, OR having to give away an iPad to everyone that takes a survey.

    Because it doesn't matter how big your company is, or whether you have a huge advertising budget or not.

    Here's What You Get When You Join The Ask Method Masterclass Coaching Program:
    Lifetime Access to the Ask Method Masterclass Coaching Program
    6 NEW Core Modules
    2 NEW Bonus Modules
    10-Week Implementation Workshop
    5 Q&A Coaching Calls with Ryan
    12 Months Access to the Next Level Mastermind Community
    12 Months Access to Ask Method Software
    6 Done-For-You Page Templates
    9 Fill-In-The-Blank Copywriting Templates
    The Tech Vault - Step-by-Step "How to" Tech Videos
    My $10,000 Swipe Vault - EXAMPLES!!!

    The ASK Method Masterclass is Broken Down Into 6 Modules

    1. PREPARE

    Deep Dive Survey
    WHY it's so important to get the Deep Dive Survey right to know what your market is thinking and feeling.


    Nailing the 7 key elements in a successful landing page
    Keep these in mind when designing your landing page and you'll ensure that your prospect has no other choice than to take action.

    3. SEGMENT

    Discover the power of Micro-Commitments
    WHY you shouldn't ask for an email address at the beginning of a quiz, and how to skyrocket your opt-ins when you structure your quiz the right way.

    The "explosive" chemical reaction
    That happens when you use the results of your Deep Dive to design your quiz, so that your prospects feel like you're reading their minds

    Customizing your quiz
    So that each question builds on the responses of the ones before it (this "branch logic" trick is so powerful and yet so simple to do when you know how).


    The Essential Construct Framework
    To writing your VSLs.this is the foundation behind any successful sales letter, and yet so few people are actually teaching it.

    5. PROFIT

    3 Powerful upsell frameworks
    Are you missing out on these critical profit opportunities-how to take advantage of your customer's already-open wallet and have them thank you for selling them more!

    6. PIVOT

    The Magic of Email
    How to tailor your email sequences for prospects and buyers, construct winning sequences that can increase your sales by 57% or more.

    The Pivot Survey
    This is when you lead your prospect into your NEXT ASK Method that they can start the process all over again and be your customer for life.

    Bonus Module 1:
    Ultimate Traffic Training

    The first bonus module is all about driving traffic-I'll be showing you why a quiz is the BEST place to drive traffic, and how I've done this in market after market for cold traffic to the tune of over 50,000 leads per DAY.

    And I'll be showing you my exact steps to set up campaigns to send traffic to your Deep Dive Survey and then to your quiz funnel.

    You'll see real live case studies on how to drive traffic to a Deep Dive Survey (this is perfect if you don't have a list yet).

    And we'll be walking you through how to set up your campaigns step by step in Facebook and Google, and how to get the most out of your advertising budget.

    Bonus Module 2:
    Your Big Idea

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  • #442
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  • #444
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