This is a very interesting article and it simply expands on all the recent controversial headlines regarding websites being taken down and .com domains being seized and even people being charged as criminals.

US authorities have recently tried to implement SOPA, which I'm sure you have heard of, to exert more control over the Internet. However, despite SOPA not being passed due to massive public and commercial opposition, the US government has seized several domains in recent weeks.

There are obviously occasions where the government will need to step in to ensure safety and security for people. This is an understandable side effect to having such a huge open network such as the Internet. Eventually somewhere along the line is going to have to regulate some of the content.

But public opinion seems to be the internet should stay as free and open as possible. The problem with governmental intervention is whether or not these new found powers could be used for political, commercial or personal reasons rather than for public safety.

It causes a huge debate among web users and I'm sure the issue is not going to be going anywhere any time soon!

What do you think?