"When we sleep, we give our bodies time to rest, refuel, and re-energize. Unfortunately, we often short change ourselves of needed and deserved sleeping time, thinking that cutting this time short is the only way to accomplish more during the 24 hours that we have to use each day. If we could use sleep to help us save time during the workday, would we then allow ourselves the luxury of getting a full night's sleep?

Time management expert Kathryn McKinnon has given us the tools to make sleep work for us in business in her best-selling book entitled Triple Your Time Today: 10 Proven Time Management Strategies to Help you Create and Save More Time! This easy-to-read volume is chock-full of wisdom, beginning with McKinnon's personal story of how she almost lost her life (literally) as a result of her misguided efforts to be productive by modeling the behavior patterns of men.

The most fascinating idea presented in this book is the possibility that we can use the time that we spend sleeping to save time during our waking hours. In her book, McKinnon tells us that we average roughly 20,000 thoughts each day and that ~80% of these thoughts are negative. She indicates that it is negative thinking that gets in the way of accomplishing what we want to do because these thoughts create doubt and fear, which in turn, create hesitation and inaction. This means it takes us longer to accomplish our goals-in short, it takes more time.

However, if we learn to let the mind work for us while we sleep, it will find a way to deliver a solution to our problems. I have already begun utilizing McKinnon's sleep technique and am getting good results. I recommend Triple Your Time Today for this strategy alone!"

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