Host Lisa Garr's unique ability to attune with the guest and their material makes each interview personally valuable and
respectful to the listener. "A rare blend of journalist and talk show host, Lisa Garr has the gift of asking precisely the right
question, in exactly the right moment to honor her guest, as well as her audience, with the deepest experience possible.
I am always happy to see a Lisa Garr interview on our schedule."
- Gregg Braden, New York Times best-selling author of The God Code, Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, and The Isaiah Effect

NeuroSummit 2013 with Lisa Garr - audios (11 .mp3's, 10 .pdf, 1 .html file set)

The Aware Show NeuroSummit

with Lisa Garr and the Worlds Leading Neuroscience Experts

Your Brain is an Awareness Machine!

Join us for a series that will excite your neurons and tickle your dendrites! I promise thought-provoking and deep-reaching interviews with some of the finest presenters of neuroscience technologies.

Become Aware, Wake Up, and Live a Balanced Life!

• Learn how to open, activate, stimulate, balance and harmonize your whole being.
• Discover how to sense, know and affect Spiritual/Psychic/Metaphysical Energy
• Become completely aware and in control of your thoughts
• Hear how to improve the flow of your energy, release emotional blocks
and re-balance your energy body
• Keenly develop your sixth sense and inner powers

Join us in this Enriching and Thought-Provoking Series!

This series is your "Invitation to Transformation" with...

• Neuroscience of Happiness and Wealth - Mark Waldman
• Use Your Brain to Change Your Age - Dr. Daniel Amen
• Everything is Energy and Energy Medicine - Donna Eden
• A Quicker Brain and Body through Cleansing - Dr. Michael Colgan
• NeuroFitness - Anat Baniel
• Brain Entrainment Technology - Morry Zelkovitch
• Accessing Higher States of Consciousness - Dr. Dain Heer
• Effects of meditation on the brain - Dr. Joe Dispenza
• Questions and Answers Wrap-up - Lisa Garr

It's Entertaining!
"Lisa Garr is a magnificent, insightful, wise, witty, and fun interviewer. I love being on her show. I think the world of her and her great and inspiring show."
- Mark Victor Hansen, best-selling co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul and The One Minute Millionaire

Sales Page:

 Summit 2013 - with Lisa