There's one of two questions going through your mind right now...
Why not read Malcolm Gladwell and use what I find there to emulate his writing style?
How is it possible to learn the skills of a seasoned writing veteran like Malcolm Gladwell?
The simple fact that led me to create this course was the simple fact that these assumptions are based on a fundamental misunderstanding: That experts are capable of explaining both how and why they do what they do.
Endeavoring on the creation of this course meant throwing aside the notion that experts are better at reverse engineering their creative process than an outside observer dedicated to poring over their works and putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
What is so special about this course?
After understanding the three basic elements of Gladwell's writing, we can recalibrate the direction of our own writing using a compass from a new world.
This course will focus on three fundamental aspects of Gladwell's Writing

  1. How Malcolm Gladwell Writes an Introduction
  2. How Malcolm Gladwell Describes a Person
  3. How Malcolm Gladwell Talks About Statistics/ Facts
