This course is mainly focused on getting you more productive with the prototypes and also is really focused on how to present your static designs in a way that are fully interactive so they provide a really accurate and realistic visualization of your final application or website.
I've been asked many times how to start with rapid prototyping and how to easily integrate static prototypes with user interactions and flows, animations and effects that's why I decided to create this course, to let people like you to be more productive and to go to the next step in your work.
You'll learn the pieces that lead you to create compositions to show your animated interactions, designs and animations.
The course is structured in small and easy to follow parts that will introduce you to Quartz Composer and will cover the different needs a designer or a UX can have while designing animated interactions. Finally the course will provide you some step by step examples with downloadable content that you'll be able to view, download and play. The course is so easy to follow that if you don't like it your money will be refunded within 30 days without any question.
