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    edollarearn edollarearn edollarearn

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    1. #1
      Member Webmaster Forum's Avatar
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      In the Warrior’s Forum (, every day, one product, or service is chosen as “WSO of the Day.” It's an honor and a privilege to obtain such an award, because it means thousands of members will have a chance to see the special offer, which of course means that the seller makes lots of money.

      But now, instead of just reading about a WSO of the Day and trying to decide if you want to buy it or not, you can look at that WSO and ask yourself if the Piggyback Method could be applied to it so that you could make lots of money for yourself. The Piggyback Method uses articles that are written specifically to complement a successful WSO of the Day. For example, you've probably noticed many offline marketing products and services dealing with Facebook, QR Codes, WordPress themes, or products that teach you how to make money in a targeted niche market, graphics, videos, etc. In those particular product offerings, the seller targeted very specific offline businesses, such as, electricians, chiropractors, real estate agents, veterinarians, etc., or products such as beads, fish tanks, or .edu blog links.

      The way to make some fast cash with the Piggyback Method is to quickly create 20 articles that forum members could sell to those offline businesses that were just mentioned in that particular WSO of the Day. To make the fastest cash, you should offer the articles with PLR rights. You might even want to mention the four offline businesses your WSO targets.

      Before you dismiss the Piggyback Method because it involves writing articles, consider the hundreds of options that you have with all the WSOs that were offered in just this week alone on the Warrior Forum. It doesn’t really matter if it made WSO of the Day. If it sold a lot of copies, and after reading all the comments and feedback, it has potential for *you* to make money by piggybacking and selling *your* product, then go for it.

      Even if you saw a WSO of the Day that was selling backlinks, it would only take you two days to write 20 articles (5 articles for each of four offline markets). You could start your WSO at $5.00 for all 20 articles, and then increase the price by a fixed amount of money after each of the next 10 sales, and capping the price at $10.00. In reality, buyers would be paying $.50 per article. It doesn't get much better than that.

      In addition to making fast cash with the Piggyback Method, you will add a significant number of subscribers to your mailing list. If you don’t already have a mailing list, then your first WSO could build that list for you. In summary, the trick to the Piggyback Method is to first identify a WSO of the Day that targets offline businesses. Then sit down, write 20 articles that tie into the WSO, and list your own WSO within two days.

      Who is the audience for your Piggyback WSO, and who benefits from the articles you write?

      Internet marketers on the forum are the ones who buy your articles. They, in turn, sell the articles (at a bigger profit) to offline business owners to use either on their websites or to submit to article directories that will drive more traffic to the offline business customer.

  • #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
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    Default Re: The PIGGYBACK METHOD

    The piggyback method of raising your credit score means that you find someone who contacts their credit card company and adds you to his oldest account.settlement annuity



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