Every time you are able to make a lead conversion on any of your web page, you get a commission. The CPA commission is different from the sales commission. In fact, it is much easier. So what is the difference? In sales commissions, you get paid every time you make a sale. But unless and until you are able to push a product or a service into the bag of your online customers, you will not be able to earn at all.

But in CPA commissions, all you need to do is convince your customers only so far as they are willing to fill up an online form with minute personal details about their life, and then submit it. With every submission or click, you will get paid. Then again, the sales commissions are larger and heavier than the CPA commissions. But you can make very few sales as compared to the many CPA conversions. Therefore, even though you will earn a little every time in case of the latter, at the end of day, there will be so many conversions that the income that you will generate will be much higher. But how will you market the CPA offers? There are certain advertising options that you can follow. And here are certain tips:

Make sure that you know what are the things that are „in‟ and what are the talks that are „out‟. If you can find out the popular topics of discussion, putting them up in your website will have online visitors thronging around you for more information. Find out what are the hottest keyword searches. Use them to promote your sales.

Always provide a well- fleshed out content that matches the topic of the discussion. The information that your content should have must be satisfactory. Always remember the target audience. Remember who it is that you are selling to, and accordingly write your content and advertisements. If you are selling walking sticks, your target audience will be old men and women. You will have to talk to them; your content should tell them how walking sticks will make their lives easier for them. Add links of your website in the other related web pages as hyperlinks so that you redirect the web traffic form those sites to yours. If your sales are related to the fashion vista, then have the name of your webpage appear in the other fashion websites.