When people say the word “media,” the first thing that often comes to
mind is TV, radio and newspaper. This is the traditional form of mass
communication, where one medium sends information to a large number
of people. This form of mass communication only transmits information,
with little to no interaction from those on the receiving end of the
information. It is also an extremely expensive venture to get into and
maintain, which is also why it costs a lot to advertise in any of these
media of mass communication.

With the current Internet speeds and availability, though, these
traditional media are slowly being replaced by social media – also known
as consumer-generated media in the more commercial circles of society.
Social media itself is the epitome of the Internet culture: it is a collection
of web-based and mobile technologies that allow users to generate and
publish content. This simply means that people create, upload and share
a whole lot of “stuff” on the Internet. Everything is fair game with social
media – from simple comments and amateur videos to technical manuals
and sweeping scientific studies

For an example, you can simply read this entry about social media on
Wikipedia. Not only will you learn more about social media, but you will
have visited a social media site born from the collective input of experts
around the world!

But you are not reading this guide to learn more about social media’s
roots and origins. You are reading this to learn how to increase traffic to
your own website. Ergo, you are reading this guide to increase your
overall profits.