Creating your own affiliate pay per click program is by far the cheapest way to engage in pay per click advertising. Basically, you sign up web site and blog owners to post ads that you write on their web site. Then, you pay the web site owners on a weekly or monthly basis for the clicks that they generated.

Tip! This option is really only viable for experienced internet marketers. Thosestarting out in affiliate, pay per click, or other internet marketing strategies need to hold off on this pay per click method. Setting up your own affiliate pay per click program is somewhat complex, and requires excellent marketing skills to advertise the program itself.

Creating your own affiliate pay per click program can be tricky. You have to set up a system to monitor clicks from your affiliate sites, calculate their earnings, and pay via PayPal or other methods. Some e-commerce packages now come with software that assists in these tasks, but they are quite expensive. More information on this type of pay per click advertising will be given later in this report.